The Buffalo that could not Dream - Felix von der Osten

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Credit: Felix von der Osten ID: A young boy dressed in tribal attire is holding an axe. Feathers are in his head dress and colourful prints and patterns adorn their light brown outfit.

Set on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, home to two Native American tribes, German photography Felix von der Osten produced a body of work exploring how Native American's live and how they have been treated over the years by the American government. Through the Appropriations Act of 1851, implemented by the US Government, Native Tribes, often long enemies have been flung into the same location to co exist, breaking centuries of tradition and history.

Wanting to challenge the aesthetic of how we perceive Native Americans and "Cowboys and Indians' as children, Felix's work breaks down the stereotypes to create a beautiful, troubling and powerful body of work. By breaking down our initial perceptions and giving a glimpse of daily life and reality, The Buffalo that could not Dream is a poignant body of work on how native people are treated and live in their homelands, now controlled by foreign settlers.

Credit: Felix von der Osten ID: Inside someone's house, a chest of draws with piles of clothes on top. Along the walls family photographs and trinkets of personal and cultural importance hang off the edge of the frames.
Credit: Felix von der Osten ID: A native american woman stands with her hair platted on both sides. She is wearing a brown jacket with a warm fleece lining. Her hands are held together and behind her are rolling hills.
Credit: Felix von der Osten ID: A father is sitting in the drivers seat of a car with a baby wrapped in blankets sits on his lap. A skull gear stick and other cars can be seen outside the drivers window.
Credit: Felix von der Osten ID: Three children sit on a upturned sofa. On the left a boy is holding up a blue book with a white circle object rests on his side. The boys to his left stare down the camera at us.

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